January 2024- New Year Brunch at the Bistro at La Tourelle

December. 2024– Congratulations Dr. Simon Shindler for a successful thesis defense!
May.2024– Congratulations Apoorva, Xiaojing and Pengyu for passing their B exams!
January.2023– Congratulations Alexandra for receiving an honorable mention for the Environmental Chemistry Graduate Student Award by the Division of Environmental Chemistry of the American Chemical Society!
December.2022 – Congratulations Dr. Trevor Franklin for a successful thesis defense!
May.2022 – JD has been recognized with the honorable mention for “First Year Graduate Student of the Year” for 2021-2022! The award was given by the Diversity Programs in Engineering at Cornell.
February.2022 – Alexandra’s paper, “Surfaces with Antifouling-Antimicrobial Dual Function via Immobilization of Lysozyme on Zwitterionic Polymer Thin Films”, has been accepted for publication in Journal of Materials Chemistry B. Congratulations to Alexandra and all coauthors!
January.2022 – Pengyu’s paper, “An imidazolium-based zwitterionic polymer for antiviral and antibacterial dual functional coatings”, has been accepted for publication in Science Advances. Congratulations to Pengyu and all coauthors!
October.2021 – Trevor’s paper, “Design of Polymeric Thin Films to Direct Microbial Biofilm Growth, Virulence, and Metabolism”, has been accepted for publication in Biomacromolecules. Congratulations to Trevor and coauthors!
October.2021 – Pengyu’s work in collaboration with Prof. Archer, “Ultrathin zwitterionic polymeric interphases for stable lithium metal anodes”, has been accepted for publication in Matter. Congratulations to Pengyu and coauthors!
October.2021 – Yifan’s viewpoint, “Toward Programming Bacterial Behavior via Synthetic Interfaces: Physicochemical Nanopatterning, Decoupling Surfaces Properties, and Integrating Material and Biological Insights”, has been accepted for publication in Accounts of Materials Research. Congratulations to Yifan!
May.2021 – Congratulations to Alexandra on passing her A-exam!
May.2021 – Congratulations to Zhihao on passing his M-exam!
May.2021 – Congratulations to Xiaojing on passing her M-exam!
April.2021 – Alexandra’s paper, “Initiated Chemical Vapor Deposition Kinetics of Poly(4-aminostyrene)”, has been accepted for publication in Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology. Congratulations!
April.2021 – Pengyu’s paper, “Reduced Biofilm Formation at the Air–Liquid–Solid Interface via Introduction of Surfactants”, has been accepted for publication in ACS Biomaterials Science and Engineering. Congratulations!
Jan.2021 – Trevor’s paper, “Amphiphilic Polymer Thin Films with Enhanced Resistance to Biofilm Formation at the Solid–Liquid–Air Interface”, has been accepted for publication in Advanced Materials Interfaces. Congratulations!
Oct.2020 – Yifan and Alexandra’s paper, “Kinetics of All-Dry Free Radical Polymerization under Nanoconfinement”, has been accepted for publication in Macromolecules 2020. Congratulations!
July. 2020 – Congratulations to Trevor on passing his A-exam!
June.2020 – Trevor is the recipient of the 2020 Early Career Award for Exemplary Service by the Office of Inclusion & Student Engagement at Cornell University, in recognition of his leadership of the Diversity and Inclusion Program in CBE. Congratulations!
June. 2020 – Alexandra and Yifan’s paper, “Vapor-deposited functional polymer thin films in biological applications”, has been accepted for publication in Journal of Materials Chemistry B. Way to go!
Apr.2020 – Trevor has been awarded the prestigious NSF Fellowship and the DoD NDSEG Fellowship which are among the highest recognition awarded to PhD candidates in US for their research excellence and broader societal impact. Congratulations!
Dec. 2019 – Trevor’s paper, “Vapor-deposited biointerfaces and bacteria: an evolving conversation”, has been accepted for publication in ACS Biomaterials Science and Engineering. This is also the first paper from our group. Way to go!
Oct. 2019 – First-year PhD students, Apoorva Jain, Pengyu Chen, and Simon Shindler, join The Yang Lab. Welcome!
Sep. 2019 – The Yang Lab welcomes postdoctoral researcher Jiayan Lang, who will be working on nanomedicine in infectious disease and translational medicine.
Jan. 2019 – The Yang Lab welcomes postdoctoral researcher Yifan Cheng, who comes from the Department of Food Science at Cornell University.
Oct. 2018 – Trevor Donadt and Alexandra Khlyustova, both first-year PhD students in Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, join The Yang Lab. Welcome!
Jul. 2018 – Rong received the prestigious NIH Pathway to Independence Award (K99). The award will provide over $1 million to fund the research on antibiotic-free treatment of infections.