Our group studies the interface between materials and biological systems, where the organic and synthetic worlds merge into a new science that directs the design and safe use of synthetic materials for biological applications. We design material synthesis platforms that realize better understanding and control of surface properties with molecular-level precision, provide knowledge on dynamic physicochemical interactions and kinetic and thermodynamic exchanges at the biointerface, and steer the interactions to develop material-based solutions for healthcare and sustainability.

Recent News
January.2023– Congratulations Alexandra for receiving an honorable mention for the Environmental Chemistry Graduate Student Award by the Division of Environmental Chemistry of the American Chemical Society!
December.2022 – Congratulations Dr. Trevor Franklin for a successful thesis defense!
May.2022 – JD has been recognized with the honorable mention for “First Year Graduate Student of the Year” for 2021-2022! The award was given by the Diversity Programs in Engineering at Cornell.
February.2022 – Alexandra’s paper, “Surfaces with Antifouling-Antimicrobial Dual Function via Immobilization of Lysozyme on Zwitterionic Polymer Thin Films”, has been accepted for publication in Journal of Materials Chemistry B. Congratulations to Alexandra and all coauthors!
January.2022 – Pengyu’s paper, “An imidazolium-based zwitterionic polymer for antiviral and antibacterial dual functional coatings”, has been accepted for publication in Science Advances. Congratulations to Pengyu and all coauthors!